Creative Placemaking Management
We can assist you in developing a comprehensive public art plan for your neighborhood or city, or simply help you bring your project to life within the desired timeline. We’ll work with you to determine possible locations for public art integration, help develop a theme for your site that builds upon the unique characteristics (stories, culture, histories, natural and built environment, etc) of your place, manage budget and project scheduling, and more. Whether you’re looking to incorporate a simple series of selfie backdrops or full scale murals or sculptural works into a pocket park, or you’re interested in developing a long-term public art plan for your community, we offer a full range of Creative Project Management services to ensure the success of the creative vision we’ve collaboratively designed.
Just looking for some professional advice about creative placemaking? WE GOT YOU! We can help you with creative programming & curriculum (planning, implementing and assessing), artist consultations, mural consultations & site inspections.
Neighborhood Asset Walks
Sabertooth invites you to go on a walk and identify all the overlooked spaces in your neighborhood that could be way cooler with some public art, creative initiatives and community partners. Our asset walks include a one hour walk through your neighborhood to assess existing and potential spaces to further activate with public art; and a brainstorming session to identify potential partners, stakeholders, activists, networking opportunities and potential creative placemaking activities anchored around public art. The goal of our asset walk is to learn about you and the things that make your neighborhood, business, or community special so we can be more intentional partners.